Office occupancy has reached pre-pandemic levels, but have preferences around the purpose of the office?
24th March 2022

With the Government ending its work from home guidance, data from workspace technology company, Freespace, shows London office occupancy peaked at 42 percent last week, the highest daily rate in the capital since before the pandemic in 2020. The occupancy rates per day across the week paint a more nuanced picture however, suggesting that Londoner’s preferences around how they return to the office, and when, has changed since the start of the pandemic. For example, according to the Freespace Index, occupancy last week was 25 per cent on Monday, 40 per cent Tuesday, 36 per cent Wednesday before the 42 per cent peak on Thursday. However, on Friday occupancy levels were just 13 percent, suggesting people are working from home at the beginning and end of the week.
These figures undoubtedly suggest that London is heading in a positive direction in terms of occupancy levels. Yet they also suggest that occupancy is now becoming more purposeful in terms of how people want to work, what spaces they are using, and what the overall purpose of the office is. Therefore, it is not just about a return to the office per se, but which office to suit which needs? At Landmark we have the answer to each of these complex and nuanced dynamics and preferences emerging from the pandemic.
Although working from home offered numerous benefits to a work-life balance, including the elimination of commutes and the ability to stay at home with family, many people found it harder to detach themselves from their work as the distinction between our professional and home lives became blurred. We replace make-shift home offices with a sleek, inviting workspace; clustered kitchens with a cosmopolitan café and bar; and a confined room with a spacious, liberating rooftop terrace. By creating a welcoming and stimulating work environment, we hope that you will go home feeling as engaged as you did when you arrived.
Our own figures are testament to this, showing that our occupancy is higher across our UK sites, and in London specifically. Our occupation levels in the capital are ahead of the 42 per cent average, showing how much clients value the service Landmark provides.
If you’re considering a return to the office but are currently not convinced by your previous office’s service offering, culture, and attention to detail, allow Landmark to build out your perfect workplace.